Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fox Family of Thr.....FOUR!


I am SO SO SO excited to announce that as of early August 2014 we will no longer be the "Fox family of Three.." We will be fox family of FOUR!! We could not be MORE excited! We have seriously been praying so hard for this and God finally granted us our prayers. I SERIOUSLY feel like I am the most blessed girl in the entire universe to have such a supportive husband and to already be the momma of such a sweet, kind-hearted baby boy (He will be five in ONE week.. ahh, sad momma!!) AND NOW be the momma of another sweet baby! WOW! My heart is seriously overflowing with happiness!!! I can not even begin to express how thankful I am to God that He has blessed me SO abundantly. 

I do have to share how we surprised everyone! It was too fun!

{Robbie's Fam} Since Robbie's family lives like ten minutes from us we were able to surprise them in person... we decided we wanted to capture the moment, to have for forever... so, we got everyone together for a picture (We just said we wanted it for a project.. ;) ) and Robbie took it and said "Okay, on the count of three say "Amber's Pregnant!!" and the reactions in the picture are SO much fun!! At first everyone is just smiling... and then it goes to like shock in the next pic, to everyone smiling and hugging! I LOVE IT! Cannot wait to show our sweet baby someday! 
How cool are these?!! Such a fun memory to have gotten to capture!! 

{My Fam/Close Friends} I decided for my family and very close friends that we would surprise them with a cute picture of Aus... BUT, I made a shirt that says "Only Child Expiring 2014" It was too cute! And, I had a few fam members who didn't notice at first so they just thought that it was a pic of Aus and then I got the "OMG YOU'RE PREGNANT?!!" Shortly after. LOL I loved it.
Does he get ANY cuter?!! Sheesh, handsome boy!! 

Our baby is now 5 weeks and is the size of a seaseme seed! I am enjoying reading all about what's happening with our sweet baby Fox..it's truly amazing how God makes everything work so perfectly and how much our baby changes and grows every day! Pregnancy is truly beautiful. I'll be posting weekly/every other week pics with baby updates to keep everyone updated!

Needless to say, everyone is SO excited and this baby is already SO VERY loved by so many. Thank you so very much to everyone who congratulated us and has sent prayers and well wishes. We couldn't be more thankful or blessed to have each and every one of you!! 

Have a fabulous night all!! 



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