Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fox Family of Thr.....FOUR!


I am SO SO SO excited to announce that as of early August 2014 we will no longer be the "Fox family of Three.." We will be fox family of FOUR!! We could not be MORE excited! We have seriously been praying so hard for this and God finally granted us our prayers. I SERIOUSLY feel like I am the most blessed girl in the entire universe to have such a supportive husband and to already be the momma of such a sweet, kind-hearted baby boy (He will be five in ONE week.. ahh, sad momma!!) AND NOW be the momma of another sweet baby! WOW! My heart is seriously overflowing with happiness!!! I can not even begin to express how thankful I am to God that He has blessed me SO abundantly. 

I do have to share how we surprised everyone! It was too fun!

{Robbie's Fam} Since Robbie's family lives like ten minutes from us we were able to surprise them in person... we decided we wanted to capture the moment, to have for forever... so, we got everyone together for a picture (We just said we wanted it for a project.. ;) ) and Robbie took it and said "Okay, on the count of three say "Amber's Pregnant!!" and the reactions in the picture are SO much fun!! At first everyone is just smiling... and then it goes to like shock in the next pic, to everyone smiling and hugging! I LOVE IT! Cannot wait to show our sweet baby someday! 
How cool are these?!! Such a fun memory to have gotten to capture!! 

{My Fam/Close Friends} I decided for my family and very close friends that we would surprise them with a cute picture of Aus... BUT, I made a shirt that says "Only Child Expiring 2014" It was too cute! And, I had a few fam members who didn't notice at first so they just thought that it was a pic of Aus and then I got the "OMG YOU'RE PREGNANT?!!" Shortly after. LOL I loved it.
Does he get ANY cuter?!! Sheesh, handsome boy!! 

Our baby is now 5 weeks and is the size of a seaseme seed! I am enjoying reading all about what's happening with our sweet baby Fox..it's truly amazing how God makes everything work so perfectly and how much our baby changes and grows every day! Pregnancy is truly beautiful. I'll be posting weekly/every other week pics with baby updates to keep everyone updated!

Needless to say, everyone is SO excited and this baby is already SO VERY loved by so many. Thank you so very much to everyone who congratulated us and has sent prayers and well wishes. We couldn't be more thankful or blessed to have each and every one of you!! 

Have a fabulous night all!! 



DIY: {Raingutter Bookshelves!}

Ahhh! I am ALL about Do It Yourself  projects.. Pinterest and I are BFF. I actually found this project and kind of modified it to work a little better with what I wanted (I generally do that with about every project I do.) BUT, without further adieu ... ;)

Displaying IMG_0789.jpg

Raingutter Bookshelves!

First, I would measure the space that you want to hang your shelves to be sure you cut it to the right size.

You'll need to head to your local hardware store .. (I went to Home Depot.) and get raingutters.. I used two! But, depending on the size of your area you may want more or less. ALSO, if you are going to do a shelf that connects to another wall like a corner peice.. you'll need to get that connector piece at the hardware store! (I didn't, I actually just used the ends and staggered my shelves on two different walls.. See pic above for mine!!)

*MAKE SURE you get the right and left ends to the rain gutters or you'll end up with no ends or two rights or lefts.. no bueno!*
(The ends look like this!!)

You'll need a small electric handsaw if you need to cut it to size.. you may want the full length.. up to you! OR just a regular old hand saw will work!

6-8 medium size screws PER raingutter (So, total 12-16 screws.) Depending on the size of the gutter!

An electric screwdriver.. (If you only have a regualar hand screwdriver that MAY work, but it would be hard!)

Cordless Screwdriver Kit,12V

A stud finder.. (unless you're just naturally good at finding them! ;) LOL However, it's not a neccessity.. it will just help insure that the shelves will be sturdy!)
Product image

And, lots of fun books to put on them of course!!


After you get your supplies ready to go... upon measuring your space.. you may or may not want to cut the rain gutters to a particular size with the hand saw..

Once you've got them to the size you desire, it's time to hang them up!

You'll need to borrow some muscles or someone to help hold the rain gutter up and make sure it's straight, while the other person goes on a stud finding mission.. When you find the stud, place the screw (closer to the top/middle of the raingutter) and screw it in all the way in. You'll just repeat that step until you get the rain gutter secured completely with the screws all the way accross the gutter.

Should look something like this.. once you get them screwed in (I like to include pics because I am more of a visual learner...SO they always help me out!)

The placement of the shelves is totally up to you! You can either put them on one wall, or do a corner piece, or stagger them on two walls.. (which is what I did!) Just play with it and find what you like and what works best for your space.. and you can do as many shelves as your heart desires!

Then, you'll just add the ends to the shelves and throw some books on the shelves and you're done!!

Some of the gutters have little marks on them just from being handled at the hardware store.. you can just use a little scotchbrite pad or soap and water and they rub right off!

My final product is above.. the first picture I posted!!

Happy DIY-ing!!

(If you have ANY questions.. feel free to comment below!!)



Friday, November 1, 2013

Food for Thought Friday: "Mistake."

Okay, so I'm still fairly new to this blogging thing so bear with me on this! Lol I've seen some "Food for thought Friday" posts on here and so I figured I would give it a shot! :)

This topic has been on my mind for quite a while now because I just feel like it's something that people mindlessly say without giving it a second thought because it doesn't really seem like a big deal, but it is! It's the word "mistake." And I mean it in terms of like saying "Oh, I didn't plan this baby.. it was a mistake." WOAH! Do we really realize how traumatizing that one little word can be?! Granted, most parents may say it jokingly or not to their children's face, but that can honestly completely deplete one's self worth/confidence and it's a scar they will carry literally the rest of their lives. Also, this post goes to those who may have ever felt that once before in their life.. like you've wandered so far from the path you felt God wanted you on or you've ever reached your rock bottom and felt like you didn't deserve to live because you've felt like you've let so many people down and that your life is a huge "mistake." I've got news for ya... you're NOT! Not even close.  Now that being said, this post is in NO way meant to offend anyone nor is it directed towards anyone.. just simply sharing my thoughts!

  1. incorrect act or decision: an incorrect, unwise, or unfortunate act or decision caused by bad judgment or a lack of information or care
  2. error: something in a piece of work that is incorrect, e.g. a misspelling or a misprint
  3. misunderstanding: a misunderstanding of something
From this definition, I gather that most people do not realize the magnitude of the word itself.. It's huge.. no baby or person, absolutely none, is an unfortunate act. Children (ALL of Gods children)  are a BLESSING from God Himself.

 Mainly, I am speaking from this post as a mother and a young one at that. As many of you know, I had Austin at a very young age. I was only sixteen when I became pregnant and seventeen shortly after I gave birth. Although, the decision to have premarital sex was something that God frowns upon.. and definitely something that God has laid on my heart to preach to young women about the importance of waiting until marriage (because that is HUGE...and a whole different discussion itself.) I BELIEVE with my whole heart that he was a blessing from God, regardless of the circumstances. In no way, shape, or form was he a mistake! God knew exactly what he was doing and He makes no mistakes. All in all, being a mother has completely transformed my life and I will forever be thankful to Our Heavenly Father for such a beautiful gift to such an undeserving creature (me!)

You, whoever you may be, reading this are not a mistake! None of us are. We are all created by a God who makes NO mistakes. None, and we are beautiful to Him. He, THE creator of the universe,  knows each and every one of us by name! How awesome is that?! And, He loves us just as we are, just as we come.. to the outcast, the young mother, the underdog.. whomever needs to hear this. You are important and your life IS worth it. God has great plans for you and wants to use you in big ways.. you just have to open yourself to being used by Him. Just as He welcomes us with open arms, we have to welcome Him with an open heart and mind ready to be used in the way that He wants to use us. And, it can start today! Now, this doesn't mean that the instant you pray you'll get what you pray for or you'll have this amazing transformation instantly.. You get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work! It's a lot of hard work and you never stop working towards what we're called to be. But, I can promise you this... it will be worth it. Because, despite how lost you think you are or how worthless you feel your life is.. if God can use me.. He CAN and WILL use you! I cannot even begin to explain how God has completely transformed my life in the past year.. but, it's been totally worth every bit of pain, sorrow, and suffering. It has made me stronger. It will make you stronger.

"Let this be the day that joy takes the place
Of all of the years that shame tried to steal away
He is calling you
Lift your eyes to see His face
Come run into the arms of grace

You, you have been marked
You're set apart.
And He calls you His.
So you don't have to search
Don't have to look for where you belong

You are wanted."

So, my "food for thought" is this... Please be cautious and aware of the word "mistake." And, for those of you who can relate directly to this post please deeply consider and search within yourself to take the next step of handing your life to our God, let him shape you into the person He wants you to be and I promise you that when you let God take control that's when you will truly know peace, love, and happiness. You don't have to be lost anymore. Let go and let God!

Have a fab weekend all!!

