Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Praise Him in the hallway!

So, I've been thinking a lot lately about Gods timing in life. And, I know it's SO hard not to question it and just be like WHY?! Like, sometimes it's such an inconvenience to us to wait (God is probably laughing at me as I type, because He knows that patience is SO not my thing).. whether you're waiting on news from the doctor, a phone call, a loan to be approved, etc. WHATEVER it may be. You have to realize that God has a  reason! I mean His timing is perfect. Sometimes it's just hard to be patient when we don't see Him working in our lives... It's called FAITH.  

My dad always told me "Patience is a virtue." growing up.. I never really gave it too much thought until I got older, but it's SO TRUE! Being patient is just so hard..

“For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away and enjoy to the full what is promised.”- Hebrews 10:36

I love this verse because it reveals to us why it's so important to be patient! By being patient we can accomplish what God asks of us and what we are called to do. Maybe it's a time God needs you to simply sit back and count all of your blessings and stop worrying so much. A heavenly reality check of sorts? Haha!

I came across this today..

And I love it. It's almost a challenge (especially if you're as impatient as me!) It's so important to remember that even in our waiting moments that we've got to praise God. Be thankful for all you've got. Until God is ready to open the next door in your life, praise Him in the meantime...in the hallway. 

This all may be just senseless rambling, but it is my first post.. So, cut me a little slack (I'll get better at it in time!) 
I hope you all have a fabulous night & remember to embrace God's perfect timing!
